Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ever had to Close Out The World?

Part of my story:  For years I had had to close out the world.  Why? After a truck impacted on my vehicle in 1991 one result was I had no memory. A second result was that my mind was left in the 'clouds' which I mus admit was not so bad at the time.  Third result we as a family were not where we were going.  Our lives were travelling around on the show grounds while I painted faces along with at times bodies and  / sold balloons.  Either way this seems a frivolous way of life to many people meanwhile we,as a family were free to travel around much of Australia and totally have a ball.  What in fact it did on the subliminal level was we had found a family within the core of the show grounds travellers.

High Functioning Autistic peoples have an unseen advantage over many people.  As they reach towards their 50's many of the things that kept them within the 'normality' groups such as morgages, parntenrs, spouses and or children have altered.  So too have their own beliefs.  Thing is they still have that child within them.That is what makes them the clown of the party, the persn who quietly gives an innocent cuddle and moves on through the crowd.  There are people who give pity as they percieve that this person is always alone, Different and alone.  Well yes in a big way this is so true.  Autism means alone.  Not Isolated. Although sometimes to cope isolation becomes a friend as well.

Now think about it what are the rest of the population actually doing as they approach their mid fouties and beyond.  If they are still working the retirement word will be making them panic.  Run for cover or learn new coping skills.  Part of this process is the releasing of their own inner child.  Scary thought ha?   So as the rest of the population is determined to be young again and go find life before they get 'old' they are grappling with the inner childs demands.  Guess what us High Fnnctioning Autisics are doing with our inner child.  By now we are comfortable with the 'I.C.' [ Inner Child] popping out and playing with the energies of the Universe.

 While in my mid twenties my mother told me once that I was still a 'child'.  As that child I was able to draw peoples inner child out. Usually as that child just wanted to come out into a safe area and have some fun before lie scared it back into the imprisoned mind of the individual. I must admit I was also doing this for most of my initial working then nursing life before and during that time as well.

At that moment there I was surrounded by a crowd of people all wanting a large ballon filled with air  and would you believe confetty.  These were sold for $5.00.  Add five love hearts ballons and the cost became $10.00.  Add small toys like stuffed teddies and so forth and the cost went up a little bit at a time.  Since my husband then became out of work dueing that time we started to want to expand on where we were going.  Australia was new to us and our family small.  We had the travel bug, the time, the vehicles, a steady source of income [ we thought]  Then we paid for seventy five agricultural and Paatral shows way up in the top end of Queensland, west of Temora in New South Wales and I think the Broadmeadows [?] and as far south as Gelong in Victoria.

I also learned that I needed to 'cloke' myself.  Put rotections in place enabling my inner self not to be drained.  The very first place I worked in was a grocery store run by an Italian. My best friend was in the other grocery store run by an Indian couple. Between these two familes they taught me to give value and have fun ... Which of course meant that in 1972 often the ice creams had smiley faces on them and we charged more. People did not mind as they were happy to have a happy face look at them. [even if they themselves the bit the head off!] Then I went into a toyshop.  This gentleman owner taught me to talk to the customers.After that was the chemist shop.  Between the next few chemist shops  I learned to place the social worth and the child within into business management and people handing. Next was the Nursing.

In between were the various helath related  and business related education practices and courses. People of authencity came and went through my life. Swammi Ackundanada helped through his wisdom, teachings and instructions.

And then life stopped.

The accident isolated not only who I was from myself it took away from my then husband and our children that person of whom they new.  Leaving behind a person who happy played in the clouds within her mind.  These clouds were protection from pain.  And yes reality as well.Over the years I have been catfished... the side effect of having a 'friend' of many faces is that I learned to feel pain, happiness, freedom of thought while allowing myself to learn about life, laughter, Love, Learning values and Leniency.  From these came the desire to want to change. To travel the path of many colors means to 'I Act On' the forgiveness of others, of Your own God... as well as the forgiveness of self.  Plus to accept the skills, gifts and talents you have.  Harvest and resow the ground that these came from.

That there is the essence of my avatar.  The isolated peoples whose inner child needs to be safe,comfortable,  happy and escape that imprisoned place of never never for just a glimpse of what could and should be.  SFM and DEA have given me the chance to return many things I had simply forgotten I even had.  Or had tried to hide away those things that people needed  most and that I possibly had to share.

This is my story.  This my friend is my avatar.. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Secrets In Working Out Who You Are.

This statement came to my attention. "Having a family member with High Functioning / Autism, watching them grow... I have such high hopes that life is going to be alright...  really believe!!! " You see I had posted a post in the Google Plus Community called "Living With High Functioning Autism" .

The post is connected to an article called "All This Effort Is Worth It". In turn this there is a
connection encouraging people to connect to a newsletter.

The lead in is :
Secrets in working out who you are.  Then working out what values you stand for.  High Functioning Autistics experience some trouble with this.  Hence, why transitioning self into a business may be complicated.

The post starts with
"Having a dream is what the strategies hook onto. Proceeds to go through working backwards from that dream into manageable chunks of workable objectives. "

One day years ago an older lady that I knew through Girl Guides Australia [ the local District Leader] took me aside and explained that I was the type of person who looked out from a mountain peak and saw the ocean way in the distance. I wanted to get to the other side of the horizon though. Believe it.

In order to get to the ocean the realisation that at least one pit stop would be made had finally in my thirties hit home. So I would aim to go to the beach. Walk in the sand at least once. Sit and wait for the moon to rise. Dance along the beach as the waves lapped within my toes. And the very next morning before sunrise have set out to get to the other side of the ocean.  Thing is, until I learned that most people were in the valleys I would struggle with people's energy syphoning games.....And people would confuse, annoy, divert me, mollycoddle me  or just not understand that I was not stupid. Even if I still have left over things from the car accident.

At that stage of my life it was a few years after a truck imploded into the Nissan Urvan I was driving. I was thirty-one then. Now I am in my fifty-fifth year.

 Finally last year I went through a bootcamp Actually a business boot camp that prepares the person to go into any business or venture they care to take on. Learned that the horizon is the dream. Let's use a ten year plan mapping out idea.

 Point one: The horizon is the dream. 10 years. Therefore Getting from the beach front to the horizon was the first step. Not forwards but backwards. Say the seven and a half year step. Also called the objective.

The beach front then was one objective one level [ say level two down from the dream].  What happens now is the once all the levels right to where you are at this very point of time are sorted out begin wading through the notes you have scribbled upon. You see I have not mentioned about the 101 bucket list. Make one.

Now incorporate what you want to do from this list into the objectives to be achieved. Next work out how you are going to get each objective accomplished. These become your strategies. Effectively what is happening is that you are moving from the present day actions onto the next level. Some you will be a bit vage on. Not to worry. Leave these and do not get "fretty", have a hissy fit or melt down.

Somethings are done with joy laughter and ingenuity. Other with planned out intricacy. Believe it, or not, some actually rush to get completed all by themselves. Borrowing a piece from here, and some from there. This level stretches into that level. Hang on that sink hole of frustration from way back was missing this vital ingredient.

Hay, look it works now.

For ease I have copied and pasted the reply that was made in response to the query above.

Believe.  better yet move the belief into a "I know that this is true" phase.  For us the world id changing. The difference now though is life that was meant to be fun  instead of slavish, radically different  instead of just acceptance, has begun to gain momentous change. HFA's have a head start on the transactional stage.

As in instead of one lonely bee wondering what pollen is  HFAs get out there and place the sting into the buzz .  Laugh cause each one of us bees revolutionised the stingers capacity... there is no one shot or rot policy now.  The new design stinger has a multifaceted repeat performance capacity that's accepted formula is infinitesimal.

Simply because each one of has had to accept we are different  [ yet the same] . We are leaders of leaders.  On both the best and worst of humanity.

each of us know a little of some things that may not interest us.  Hit that focus point and all the inconsequential things suddenly have meaning and l revitalised life.  You know the ARRRha moments.

When we work together each we either work together or annoy each other to the extreme.  However, one thing is certain... no one ever forgets our sting!

Keep in touch  cause all that effort is worth it.  Know that that is true.

Kind regards
