Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Giving a Voice to the Voiceless | Tarik Sayeed | TEDxToronto

"Turn what we label as a disability into an opportunity and together we can change the world

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Why are some people with Asperger's perceived as being extremely sarcastic?

Basic thing to remember is that many High Functioning Autistics [ Asperger's] are terrific mimics. This said a learn reactive behaviour is established to deal with something.  The flip side is that once learned they do not know that the circumstances have now changed thus the called for reaction is meant to be different.

A challenge for parents, siblings, extended family and other stakeholder in the community is to prepare the HFA for certain new behaviours, what they are, what they might look like, ride with that person as they negotiate the behaviour and eventually had over the 'rudder' as they have traversed the
actions and reactions.

Each step is built upon and bridged over with help.... constants, backing and familiarization.  Takes years. Sometimes it is best for the person to take control and escape the rat race.  Go somewhere where they are not judged as harshly.  Which is part and parcel as to why many person outside the herd mentality actually head towards the internet.

So there you have it.  

If the HFA understands that sarcasm is part of them not coping, or coping wrongly and is also a coping mechanism for or to bullying [ bigger picture aspect] they will become familiar with cause / consequence, act/ react and other balancing aspects of the behaviour.  Replacing one action with another more appropriate one.

Hope this explains itself, is helpful and answers the question as fully as possible with such a wide spectrum of Autism available for someone to be within.

Written by a 12 year old... Scary stuff. However  read the comments as well.

 Often times A high Functioning Autistic will not understand a limitation where they excel.  If they do not excel they simply block things out. Partially this is a blocking mechanism and avoids emotional or mental overload.  Considering  "normal" people as "Stupid" when they miss details that that High Functioning Aspie's will not miss a detail.

Once again action replays will get int he way od real life issues.   The struggle in real life situations is easy to walk away from. You sit in front of the computer and become absorbed through the flashing lights and your ability to control understand and conceptualise.  Finally, years of real life struggles are transferred into gaining ground in new endeavours online.  You have escaped that rat race.

Contact me should you need any more assistance with these endevours.




High Functioning Autism with a touch of Synesthesia in action.

 Being within the Autism Spectrum you probably have been unconsciously aware that there are many and varied gifts, talents and acceptances.  Each of these have many and varied levels within them as well.  Let's look at the following story to see Synesthesia in action.

 Living within High Functioning happens to have it's quite profound ups and downs with regard to every day acceptances, attitudes and even noticing the noticing of how big exactly you are making that hole you are about to jump in and keep digging! Even through these the reactive or proactive procedures that you tend to get yourself   involved with are so often triggered through a multitude of what appear unrelated incidents.  Then wham you have done it again.

This post may seem like a ramble [ probably is] however the objective is to give an overall method of approach to understanding what happens with situations of passive-aggression from the 'wearers' point of view'.  What I am about to use are examples and happenings within my own life.  Should anyone recognise that it was them that I am explaining then please accept my apologies in advance.  With a few basic changes, I am attempting to not make you identifiable while still being truthful.

While at my local shopping centre a few years ago I went up to a young mother who had a toddler in the pushchair.  I smiled and stated " I am jealous of your child" The look of total bamboozlement on the ladies face ... so I went on to say "The plastic casts on his legs I am jealous of those."  At that point she near burst into tears.  I was not fully conscious of this, however her husband was.  He in turn became very protective of what he saw as a threat to his family.  As he rightly should have done.  Meanwhile I was still staring in wonder at the plastic foot and leg casts

What I did not know was how upset the two were that their child had been fitted with booth feet having lower foot and leg plastic casts. The prognosis was not good as to the length of time this child would need to wear the plastics vertical half casts.

Luckily I did become aware.  I asked for them not to leave .  Instead to let me explain my comment.

Firstly that when I was born I also had both feet with Talipes [ club feet] as well as dislocating hips.

Secondly that along with that I was born with High Functioning Autism / Aspergers.  The result of which at times gets my mouth into trouble as the brain is otherwise occupied with mental overload.  "Would they let me clarify my comment. Please?"  He nodded and tentatively turned towards me.  I noted though the pushchair was still facing going forward and away while he was also holding into himself his wife. The mother of that child.

Must admit that at that point the gawkers started to move away as well.

I explained that when I was born in 1959 my father had to be informed of my 'birth defects" as he was the one in those days to say yes or no to my staying with my mother.  Had my mother been single then it would have been her father or the oldest male adult within her family/ extended family.

Being told that there was going to be no hope my mother remembered the nurses speech she had attended.  One on the traditional methods of cultures where talapies is.  They bound the feet as well as daily massage.  To this day if bandages are required they need to be firm [ very firm] and foot massage is wonderful to give as well as receive.

After about  three months of that came the longer length plaster casts.  The ones that went from my waste to my lower feet.  All of my foot on both sides were plaster casted as there was a metal bar between the feet 'splaying' them outward.  Of course the faster I grew the wider the bar.  The heavier this end of my anatomy got as well.

Why was I able to say that I was jealous.  A few weeks earlier I had seen a child with one plastic splint.  At that time I nearly cried.  I know I was emotional at seeing the process  having got that far.  Just the same as I am now there are tears welling in my eyes at the memory of this initial shock .

As  explained to the young couple they never have to go through what my mother had to go through.  Can you imagine her horror at here sisters swinging me upside sown like a rag doll.  Not from the feet themselves... from the bar.  Apparently this also meant adding extra weight to the foot / leg attachments as the plaster at that end would constantly be weakening.  Wonder why?

As a mother myself I checked my children's feet.  One son has the same protruding ankle and misalignment of bones. Yes I had taken him to the Dr wanting a  specialist appointment.  Only to be told I was seeing things that were not there.  That son would have been about two at the time.  When he was about seven I finally had enough money to take him to a specialist podiatrist.  Of course, this man made me cry as he accused me of not caring for my son.    I should have taken him sooner like when he was two etc.  At which time I sat down totally dejected.  You see when he was only eighteen months old a truck coming around the wrong side of the road impacted into the van we were in.  Me...well to the point that I am today  twenty-five years after the impact my survivor part of the brain is still just in the beginning of releasing memories.  More importantly it is still in the beginnings of sewing these memories together with understanding.   With the memories and understanding comes a certain knowledge. The type that in today's world behavior psychologists specialists like Danny Blackford are able to guide you with.

Having explained this I was extremely sorry that what and how I had approached the situation was unacceptable.  I was not being someone who was heartless.  Just joyful at their lack of pain like my mother had.  Joyful that this beautiful child had the freedom to experience crawling, getting into trouble and mischief simply because he could. The child could easily get into water, learn to swim at an early age. Yes, the feet were restricted in movement somewhat and yet I still was jealous as this was a terrific opportunity they had.  The man informed me that plaster with a bar was still going on.  They themselves were so thankful that their son had not required that.  I think they saw the look on my face when he mentioned that that procedure was still needing to be implemented.  I know I froze momentarily.

Writing this I am thinking that child would be about seven now.  He would not have to undergo the metal capers that I also had to wear once the plaster casts came off.

At about this time, the man asked would I like a closer look at his son's feet.
  The pram was already being swung around so that the opportunity was there if I wanted it.  I took up the offer.  So there we three were at the child level admiring the feet.  Being grateful that times had changed sufficiently so that this child had the freedom to have his feet gently corrected with something as lightweight and manageable as velcro and plastic.

You know God works in mysterious ways.  What I did not know was the lady and child had been to the local Doctors listening to a specialist report.  From there this lady was uset and had phoned her husband for emotional support.  He had been delayed due to getting tme off a work situation.  Even having people she knew around her at the doctors was not helping.  So out she walked with her child to enjoy the sun and wait for her husband.  He knew where to find her as when I came across her the phone call that the lady was on was her  telling him where they were.  He heard my initial comment and thinking I was making an underhanded comment  [read 'being insulting'] while himself was already highly combustible with everything that was tearing at him.  I think had I been a man instead of a lady at nearly fifty he would have punched me out.

You see For people who thnk that a passive aggressive  [ which appears in control at times] is being a smart aleck.  Making sniper comments.  That is 'a sniper' is one that is considered to be 'taking pot shots' at someone or something.  The comments are known as snipes. Snipes being insults masked in humor. The unfortunate thing is that besides just being happy and joyous this situation of mine would not occur again I was also extremely happy that another memory was surfacing.  That the post traumatic shock syndrome my brain was trapped with was releasing another memory.

Another area to point out is that there are different levels of hypersensitivity among the HFA's.  Often those on the Autism spectrum will repel each other.  Think Magnets.  What the NT's will see too late is that one Autistic Spectrum person cannot get along in the same space as another one.  Instant 'grrr' effect. The unseen thing is that one can read the other like a twin connection. The situation is not so much that a High Functioning Autistic person does not enjoy being forced to be upfront with their communications.
If the term Synesthesia means anything to you then you will have some degree of understanding.  Hink higher spiritually aware peoples.  Or those that people pay to tune into places where thought transferences are occurring.   many of these very sensitive people are now employed under officialdom and are taught ways to just not been seen.  Which of course, suits them very well as they are able to be alone within a world of their own.  The employers get the jobs done  literally to perfection.  Time is not an issue the end result is.

 hat is actually happening is that since the recipients of the observation have moralistically pigeon-holed the actions as being in the catalog of 'passive aggressive' behaviour.  The HFA is not actually being Passive Aggressive.  What is happening is that the recipient is placing the moralistic name tag onto a thing they are not understanding. For many of those on the Autism Spectrum, they are living with a very visible disability.  That of people who are not aware of what it is to have and be living with High Functioning invisible disability.

 However we are not talking about this level of appreciation for certain actions and reactions.  Those out of this employment situation still are being judged through moralistic ideas of a people who have no understanding of what it is to be like this.  Rather than expand these gifts and talents the circle of influence is petrified the herd  has been infected.  Thus close down is required and that usually use to mean electric shock treatment, high medications and other screwball treatments.

Now things have changed somewhat. Instead, there is a watered down version of event  underway.  In 2014 the United Nations began to recognise the Autism Spectrum.  One day a year is an internationally recognised Autism day [ in March] This coincides with the festival of lights through the world.  The colour blue is now being recognised as being important.

The end effect of all while scenario that I started off telling you about is that this couple looked at their child, this wonderful little man in the pushchair, with new hope for something to go right.  As I was walking away the man called out with relief  in his voice.  He had watched how I walked now.  Then he pointed this out to his wife. You cannot tell that I have had Talipes.    While he held his  toddler in his arms he came up and shook my hand. Suddenly there I was with this little chap in my arms.

That was a beautiful moment of trust on the father's behalf.  What I never told the parents was the pain of having my nerves in both feet snipped when six years and fifty-one weeks old. The pain of not being able to have morphine or pethidine due to a reaction [ like, hay!, I caused the anaesthetist some major concerns while on the operating table] .

The child's distress at his parents nonacceptance distress of his condition and supposed pain called to me.  By helping one, the parents, communicate with the parents, in this case,  I was helping the other [ the child] be able to grow in an environment that would accept him

And I kept the child's High Functioning Autism as secret as well.  That would have been an invasion of the little man's privacy.  Nor did he want me to make it known at that time. High Functioning Autistics are born 'old'.  Their brain capacity is that of innocent children for such a small amount of time.  Usually, way before they are eighteen moths old an in tune person will know and have confirmed for themselves that the child's body has begun to take things conceptually apart and reason as an adult. That is what I mean about Synesthesia.

Should you have any questions that I may be able to assist you with then feel free to make them within the comment box.  Possibly you now have some idea of various terms to check out through the internet.  Pease do. Just be aware there are many sharks within the waters.   Check the authenticity of their presence first.

Peace be with you.




  Here's to you.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Use The Youtube Comment Tab To Find The Video URL You Are Looking For

Amazing how the little things trip us up as we look forward and go backwards.  That is true with how to use Youtube comment tab to find the video URL you are looking for!  until we then realise what it is that is missing.  Knowing this is very helpful when you are on the High Functioning Autism Spectrum.  Knowing , remembering, understanding and connecting one set of information to another set of information being paramount  as we inherently know what to do that settles our mind before overload takes a hold.

Hi .
As part of the High Functioning Autism Spectrum the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [OCD] side of this was  really playing up when I joined into the Digital Gold Rush and set about gaining knowledge, skills and lots of practice with making things work on the internet.

Yes although it is possible to make my life a lot more financial when and if I get around to pushing myself the knowledge that I have a breaking point is very scary.  Having been through that point at least once within my life the need for a solid foundation has become paramount.  Luckily not paramount or the moving forward would not occur.

Thankfully the focus for long hours is not so dominant these days.  At my mid-fifties there definitely could be health issues arising from long hours sitting in front of my personal computer.

What has balanced this out is that fact that there are other things to do.  For instance the dog Sox is important as he is patiently waiting for me already to take him on a walk for one hour.  That is about 6 kilometers.

When we get back today here I will be for the next six hours from today before the next set of housework and a small walk of three kilometers in total.  To the shops for ice blocks as I have run out of them.  The temperatures today will be in the mid 30's C.  I can see us going to Sox's favourite dam as a side diversion on the way home.

Read more about Sox and his high jinks on the link in the resources section.

Sox is a twelve year old dog.  He has been there for me as a few years ago things were being blocked off so that my inner child could survive.  However a dog's loyalty, trust and just shear arrogance of you need to feed me is what pulls you through.

Why am I still on a learning curve after fifteen years on the net?
The answer goes like this.  The net challenges me enough so that when I gave it a proper chance again last year to weave it's magic around me I wanted to know how to work through a financial difficulty I could see looming up.  That of being on an employment scrap heap.  Even if it is not 'legal' these thins still exist.  Fifty plus, female and with a disability and loads of life skills attached to qualifications.  Laughingly I thought finding a job with these things would be easy.  No the opposite is true.  Overqualified and underemployed while still owing a duty debt is not a great way of starting off a working life.

Where could I find something that would suit me, my talents, gifts and knowledge while not stifling my energy flow?  Play the video above. Read the description for a start.

Monday, February 2, 2015

When you have Aspergers and struggle with authority what do you for.,

Coming across a question on the web with regard to having Aspergers [High Functioning Autism] and a struggle with productivity [ or lack of it] this effectively this was my reply.

Having recently started a complementary DigitsalExperts Academy course.  The experiences through the initial course work and set up astounded me. In many ways just overwhelmed me.

However I stuck yhe free bootcamp out .  Deciding that this privte community had what U knew wiuylf xome along soon.  ZIt sid.Whe you have Aspergers and also have problem with profuctibity I wanted more as there was something within that course that appealed to me.  Needless to say the first one run out and I paid for the second level of this course..

Here is what I found out though:

  1. Have you a bucket list?  write 101 things down that just you want to achieve.
    1. This took me 9 attempts and then I was ready. OCC made me want an orderly multi faceted  level system in my bucket list.  So now I not only flew to Sydney, [New South Wales - Australia], attended a Momentum day, rode on a ferry, Took photos of... came back down by train.  In total I think I somehow crossed of 10 of these bucket list things.  Sub-stepping stones towards my dream being achieved. Now I have 2 Stepping stones kinda completed.... that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder part of my Autism Spectrum again is having a ball.
  2. Next:::::::::> Have you a dream? 
    1.  Something to focus on that will make you get put of bed in the morning.  Not something for you.... something other than yourself as you [ like me] will get bored with the self-fulfilment dream and off on a tangent you will go.  Been there ...done that lots.

Your struggles have created a stronger person within you.  You have so much to give that you can now turn your "Shit to Shingles"  as the saying goes.  Make the negatives in top positives. It can be done.  I am doing it.... and [shhhh ] I am older than you.

You are a programmer.  Then what is it in your 10 year dream that you are aiming for.  If it is programming that your want to brand yourself with then what part of the programming is going  to turn your dream on with a real glow.  One that as smaller stepping stones get accomplished the glow will go into full force.

I am a community developer.  On line now.  My beef that I can do something about is the simple unfairness of micro-financing for the smaller communities.  This has led me two years ago to outlining a program... the words. And yet I have no idea how to get backers or programs or anything else.  So I start by developing another online authority site... and now as an aside learning /implementing slowly HTMl enabling what ever magic it does to be effective.    Excuse me where did the me go who does not like a [patterns] and b) jig saw puzzles and c another language.

I learned you have to trick the brain.  Sounds weird.  I have. From the dream to every day things work backwards to go forwards. ... and Check List the things. It works.

Hit the Susan Connor and check out the about me on the web page.  Still working on the web page as I am now learning HTML..... like in baby steps. Read my  bio  in the about me tab.  You will see where I am coming from.

Look what I found has helped me ....may or may not help you.  I have no Idea.  Would love to hear back from you as your read this and share it around.

