Coming across a question on the web with regard to having Aspergers [High Functioning Autism] and a struggle with productivity [ or lack of it] this effectively this was my reply.
Having recently started a complementary DigitsalExperts Academy course. The experiences through the initial course work and set up astounded me. In many ways just overwhelmed me.
However I stuck yhe free bootcamp out . Deciding that this privte community had what U knew wiuylf xome along soon. ZIt sid.Whe you have Aspergers and also have problem with profuctibity I wanted more as there was something within that course that appealed to me. Needless to say the first one run out and I paid for the second level of this course..
Here is what I found out though:
- Have you a bucket list? write 101 things down that just you want to achieve.
- This took me 9 attempts and then I was ready. OCC made me want an orderly multi faceted level system in my bucket list. So now I not only flew to Sydney, [New South Wales - Australia], attended a Momentum day, rode on a ferry, Took photos of... came back down by train. In total I think I somehow crossed of 10 of these bucket list things. Sub-stepping stones towards my dream being achieved. Now I have 2 Stepping stones kinda completed.... that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder part of my Autism Spectrum again is having a ball.
- Next:::::::::> Have you a dream?
- Something to focus on that will make you get put of bed in the morning. Not something for you.... something other than yourself as you [ like me] will get bored with the self-fulfilment dream and off on a tangent you will go. Been there ...done that lots.
Your struggles have created a stronger person within you. You have so much to give that you can now turn your "Shit to Shingles" as the saying goes. Make the negatives in top positives. It can be done. I am doing it.... and [shhhh ] I am older than you.
You are a programmer. Then what is it in your 10 year dream that you are aiming for. If it is programming that your want to brand yourself with then what part of the programming is going to turn your dream on with a real glow. One that as smaller stepping stones get accomplished the glow will go into full force.
I am a community developer. On line now. My beef that I can do something about is the simple unfairness of micro-financing for the smaller communities. This has led me two years ago to outlining a program... the words. And yet I have no idea how to get backers or programs or anything else. So I start by developing another online authority site... and now as an aside learning /implementing slowly HTMl enabling what ever magic it does to be effective. Excuse me where did the me go who does not like a [patterns] and b) jig saw puzzles and c another language.
I learned you have to trick the brain. Sounds weird. I have. From the dream to every day things work backwards to go forwards. ... and Check List the things. It works.
Hit the Susan Connor and check out the about me on the web page. Still working on the web page as I am now learning HTML..... like in baby steps. Read my bio in the about me tab. You will see where I am coming from.
Look what I found has helped me ....may or may not help you. I have no Idea. Would love to hear back from you as your read this and share it around.
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